Our story


Clemency Jude was launched in Lockdown, when evenings felt long and we had time and space to get the sewing machine out again. 

Emma, founder of Clemency Jude, has always had a keen eye for fashion accessories and during this time started to design her own hairbands using fabric from her own pre-loved wardrobe. This set out the main business ethos for creating sustainable, one-off pieces, which are unique to every customer and handmade in the UK. 

We pride ourselves on making quality fashion accessories and experimenting with beautiful colours and fabrics. Our love of fashion and design hopefully shines through in all our pieces, with colours and textures carefully being thought through in all our styles. 

Our business name is inspired by Emma's two children Jude and Clemency. Clemency can often be seen as a hair model in our 'mini-me' shoots. Jude is more likely to be playing football in the background but has been known to model for size on various occasions. 

We are based in Bedford, and like all cottage businesses are currently working from the kitchen table until our workshop has been completed. 

Emma has been interviewed about her launch and how the successful business also helped her overcome post natal anxiety in lockdown and you can read her full story here.